Beating the Heat: Indoor Fun for Kids During a Heat Wave

When temperatures soar and it's too hot to play outside, keeping kids entertained indoors can be challenging. Here are some creative ideas to help children have fun and stay cool, along with tips for helping them cope with being cooped up inside.

Cool Indoor Activities:

  • Set up a tent or blanket fort in the living room. Tell stories, have a picnic, and pretend you're on a camping adventure.

  • Freeze water mixed with food coloring in ice cube trays. Let kids paint on paper with the melting ice cubes.

  • Create a list of household items for kids to find, or hide small toys around the house for them to discover.

  • Choose a movie series or theme and make it special with homemade tickets, popcorn, and comfy seating arrangements.

  • Use furniture, pillows, and toys to create a fun obstacle course through the house.

  • Try simple, cool experiments like making slime or creating a volcano with baking soda and vinegar.

  • Set up plastic bottles as pins and use a soft ball to knock them down.

  • Crank up the AC and some tunes for a family dance-off.

Helping Kids Cope:

  • Stick to regular mealtimes and bedtimes to provide structure.

  • Help kids understand why it's important to stay inside during extreme heat.

  • Provide opportunities for reading, drawing, or other calm activities.

  • Set up virtual play dates with friends or family members.

  • Set up virtual playdates with friends or family members.

  • Set up a space with cool towels, spray bottles, and fans for kids to cool off.

  • Teach simple breathing exercises or child-friendly meditation techniques.

Remember, your positive attitude can help children weather the heat wave more easily. With a bit of creativity and patience, you can turn indoor time into a fun and memorable experience for the whole family.


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Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions